Safety Consulting
Safe or Sorry? It’s your call.
One-size-fits-all doesn’t fit everyone, and we understand that every business is unique. Our teams of safety experts have years of experience working across diverse industries and with employees at every level—from front-line staff to executive offices. As experienced business owners and executives, we bring a cost-conscious management mindset to designing a custom safety program that delivers the functionality and protection your business demands.
Our goal at Mid-America Safety & Environmental is simply to make your business safer. By building a comprehensive safety program, you can not only prevent costly accidents, but also insulate your business against OSHA fines and limit liability exposure in the event of an incident.
Informed by evidence and guided by experience, our Safety Consulting Services include:
- Comprehensive policy review and update
- Program design and implementation
- Training Materials – design, creation, and updates
- Human Resource record-keeping strategies and maintenance
- Job- and role-specific program design and new hire safety onboarding
- OSHA Compliance coordination, including annual 300/301 reporting
- Conduct formal safety meetings, toolbox talks, and job site inspections
Did you know?
Fall-related infractions made up four of the Top 10 OSHA Fines in 2018. Even if you’ve never had a work-related accident, fine amounts can reach up to $125,000 per incident for repeat or willful violations. The bottom line? A single OSHA fine could kill your profits for the year.
Whether your safety plan needs a tune-up or a complete overhaul, we have the knowledge, skills, and expertise you need. Contact us today to find out how we can help you protect your employees, and your business.